S.T.E.A.M Kits
Explorer S.T.E.A.M Kits are ready to learn kits available to
West Babylon Adult Card Holders
Build, code, and stargaze with our amazing S.T.E.A.M Explorer Kits!
Available to borrow, these kits enable kids and tweens to explore robotics, astronomy, engineering, coding, and more using exciting tools, toys, and books at home. Find out more about what’s in our S.T.E.A.M Explorer Kits and where you can borrow one!
To checkout a S.T.E.A.M. Kit please follow the steps below:
1- Agree to the terms and conditions of the Library of Things user agreement.
Please note: S.T.E.A.M. Kits are limited to West Babylon Public Library Adult cardholders ONLY.
2- Place a reserve:
- Call the Library at 631-669-5445 and a staff member will place a reserve for you.
- Chat with a Librarian on our website, Monday-Thursday from 10 am to 7 pm and Fridays & Saturdays from 10 am to 3:30 pm and a Librarian will place a reserve for you.
- Place a reserve using the “Reserve this item” links below.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Babysitting Basics
Learn the basics of babysitting. Kit includes activities to do with children and first aid resources.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Beach Explorer
Kit Includes:
- 1 white bucket
- Scavenger hunt & identification guides (laminated packet)
- 1 dry erase marker
- 1 Blue net
- Magnifying jar
- Green tweezers
- Scooping tongs
- 1 orange net
- Magnifying glass
- Collection container
Explore your local sea shores with a net, bucket, and guide to help you find local wildlife.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Bug Explorer
Recommended ages: 4-8 years
Kit Includes:
- Two Books: Ultimate Bug-Opedia/The Big Book of Bugs
- Bug House
- Bug Catcher and Viewer
- Magnifying Glass
- Two Plastic Specimen Cases
- 12 plastic cubes. (6 cubes in each case)
- Specimen Guide
This exploration kit supports STEM learning and encourages scientific exploration and a love of nature, even in your own backyard!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Calm Down Kit
- 1 Book: Just Breathe, Bear by Christianne Jones
- Gel Bead Emotion Friends (4)
- Mindful Breathing Board
- Watch it Roll Calming Tube
- Find Your Feelings Emotional Slider
- Calm Down Cubs (12)
Identifying emotions can be tough for little kids. This kit is filled with books and manipulatives to adopt strategies to help regulate their emotions.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M Kit: Circuit Maze
- Instruction Manual
START Token (+) and FINISH Token (-), connected by wire. Together, these are the power supply
- 1 Game Grid
- 60 Challenge Cards with Solutions
- 2 Legend Cards
- 3 AAA Batteries
- 3 LED Beacons: Red, Yellow, Green
- 1 Switch Token
- 2 Straight Tokens
- 5 Corner Tokens
- 2 T Tokens
- 1 Bridge Token
- 1 Double-Corner Token
- 1 Blocker Token
Circuit Maze is an electricity puzzle game. To play, you build a circuit pathway across the Game Grid from Start to Finish. When you complete your circuit and light up the designated Beacons, YOU WIN!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Code-A-Pillar Explorer
- Two books: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie/Can You Make A Scary Face?
- Code A Pillar
- Head Piece
- 8 Body Pieces
- Plastic Case
- Containing Instructions & separate paper
- Red & Green plastic Targets
- Expansion Cards on Zip Tie (3)
Code-a-pillar inspires little learners to be big thinkers by encouraging preschoolers to arrange (and rearrange) the easy-to-connect segments in endless combinations, sending Code-a-pillar on his path. This learning toy encourages experimentation while developing important skills like problem solving, planning & sequencing and critical thinking.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Code – On the Brink
Recommended ages: 8+ years
Kit Includes:
- 1 Challenge Booklet
- Instruction Manual
- 1 Control Panel
- 6 Gray Beginner Movement Cards
- 9 Yellow Advanced Movement Cards
- 3 Double-Sided X Placeholder Cards
- 1 Robot
- 1 Robot Stand
- Activity card
Designed to build the mental skills needed to fully grasp the concept of coding. All games are screen free for a unique, unplugged play experience.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Dash Robot Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Dash Robot with black case
- Tablet in blue case
- Orange USB Cord
- Black charger adapter with cord
- 2 blue attachments (inside black case)
Kids can program Dash to move, sing, dance, flash its lights, respond to voices, make sounds, and even tell a story. Children learn coding concepts like sequencing, events, loops, algorithms, operations, and variables through self-directed play and guided challenges.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Dinosaur Explorer
Kit Includes:
- 1 Book: Super Dinosaur Explorer
- Two dinosaurs
- Interactive dinosaur guide
- 1 drill
- Plastic case containing:
- Drill bit
- 3 gray bits
- 2 orange screws
- 2 green screws
Learn all about dinosaurs through play!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Earthquake Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two Books:Eyewitness: Volcano & Earthquake/What Was the San Francisco Earthquake?
- Survive the Quake Engineering Kit
- 30 building blocks (different sizes)
- Earthquake simulator
- Activity guide
This earthquake simulator creates quakes in 5 levels of intensity and comes with 30 plastic building bricks in a variety of shapes and sizes. Create and test different structures to see if they topple or stand strong!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Gadget and Contraption Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two Books: Crazy Contraptions/Just Like Ruby Gold
- Keva Contraption Guide Book
- 2 Red Zip bags with Keva Blocks
- 2 Balls: 1 Red, 1 Blue
Toys That Teach: Building brain power plank by plank. Playing with wooden building planks gives builders first-hand experience with balance, leverage, geometry and principles of physics.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Glowing Marble Run Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Marble Run Instructions & Learning Guide
- Cardboard contents picture guide
- Plastic case containing:
- 15 marbles
- 1 blue light clip
- Black drawstring bag containing marble track pieces
Learn architecture and physics by creating incredible marble runs that will have glowing marbles racing toward the finish line!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M Kit: Going to the Dentist
Kit Includes:
- Book: Going to the Dentist by Nicole A. Mansfield
- Toothbrush
- Dental floss
- Dental floss holder
- Toothpaste tube
- Dental rinse bottle
- Cup
- Hinged teeth with soft tongue
- Top and bottom braces
- Top and bottom retainer
- Retainer case (for both braces & retainer)
- ID Tag & Lanyard
- 2 gauze pads
- Mirror tool
- Instrument tray
- Polisher Toolhead
- Drill Toolhead
- Vibrating base for toolheads
- Floss Tool
- 2 tooth polish cups
- Activity card
Is your child nervous about going to their first dentist? Are you having trouble getting your child to brush their teeth? This kit includes a bunch of kid-friendly dentist tools that they can explore with! They’ll be able to floss, brush and examine on big plastic pretend teeth!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Grizzly Bear Games Play Set
Discover the wonder of Yellowstone National Park and learn about grizzly bears through play! ! Play catching games with two bear paw gloves with self-stick hook-and-loop tabs. Plush fish, moths, and berries – some of grizzlies’ favorite snacks for exciting pretend play. Includes fun facts and how to identify grizzlies, game ideas, and a map for pretend play highlighting Yellowstone features.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Hiking Gear Play Set
Take an imagination filled hike through Grand Canyon National Park with pretend play hiking essentials. Rotate four photo disks in the play binoculars to see canyon scenes and native animals and plants five beautiful color photos per disk bring the park to life right before kids’ eyes! Slide ID cards into the wooden play “tracker” to identify in English and Spanish the native plants and animals you see!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Human Body Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two Books:
- Skeletal Systems
- Stephen Biesty’s Incredible Body Cross Sections
- Fascinating Facts Human Body Game Contents:
- Body model with 6 removable pieces
- 32 quiz cards
- Instructional guide
- Two Books:
Learn all about the human body.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Keyboard Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Three books:
- Easiest piano course
- Disney piano arrangements for kids
- Beginner piano lessons for kids
- Keyboard with battery adapter
- General guide
- Laminated song sheet
Learn the basics of beginner piano.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Lap Loom Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two books:
- Weaving with Children
- Abuela’s Weave
- Lap Loom Kit containing:
- Instruction booklet
- Laminated Instruction sheet
- 4 wood tools
- Bag of yarn: 8 spools, 1 needle, & booklet
- 1 wood lap loom
- Two books:
A simple and practical way to learn to weave.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: LittleBits Base Inventor Kit
- Instructions
- Product safety information for parents
- Purple box contents:
- Plastic ziplock bag with paper templates
- 2 grey mounting boards
- 1 grey mechanical arm
- 9V battery with cable
- 10 bits
- Bag with ties
Creative kids have everything they need to turn their ideas into inventions! littleBits are modular electronic components that connect with no glue or solder, making them a quick and easy way to prototype.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: LittleBits Electronics Synth Kit Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Laminated instruction Packet
- Kit box contents:
- 12 bits
- 1 9 V battery
- 1 white cord
This kit includes a powerful, easy-to-use modular synthesizer that helps you unleash your inner rockstar.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Little Red Riding Hood Explorer
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Magnet Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two books:
- A Look at Magnets
- Magnets Push Magnets Pull
- Magnets Career & Lab Guide
- Yellow Zip Bag containing:
- 2 Roadsters
- 8-disc magnets (yellow and purple)
- 1 pink ruler
- 2 iron fillings cases
- 2 magnetic wands (yellow and purple)
- 2 magnetic meeples (blue and purple)
- 1 rod (pink) with small pink cap used to tie the string to
- Learn the magic of magnets!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Magnetic Building Set
Recommended ages: 3+ years
Kit Includes:
- 22 short magnetic sticks
- 16 long magnetic sticks
- 8 long curved magnetic sticks
- 18 colorful balls
- 1 soft drawstring carrying bag
- 1 activity guide
Explore with your imagination! This educational toy promotes problem-solving skills, spatial awareness and critical thinking by building in 2D or 3D.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Microscope Explorer
Kit Includes:
- One Book:
- The World of the Microscope
- Microscope User Guide
- 52 Piece Microscope Set in gray case
- Red zip bag containing:
- 48 prepared slides: 12 of each color
- Plastic cup with lid containing:
- Replacement lightbulb
- 20X eyepiece
- Pack of 7 cover slides
- One Book:
Explore the world around you – even the parts you can’t see with just your eyes!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Rainbow Fraction Tiles
Kit Includes:
- 1 Fraction Board
- Activity Guide
- 1 “1” Tile
- 2 “1/2” Tiles
- 3 “1/3” Tiles
- 4 “1/4” Tiles
- 5 “1/5” Tiles
- 6 “1/6” Tiles
- 8 “1/8” Tiles
- 10 “1/10” Tiles
- 12 “1/12” Tiles
Children learn basic fraction skills as they play and build with 51 color coded, plastic fraction tiles. Develops number sense, equivalencies, and parts to whole.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Sights & Sounds Toy Camera
Discover the sights and sounds of the Rocky Mountain National Park! Slide a photo card into the wooden play camera, press the buttons on the back to hear three nature and animal sounds per card! The removable red lens magnifier lets kids search for plants and animals hidden in scenes on the backs of the photo cards.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Sky Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two books:
- 50 things to see with a telescope
- Ultimate explorer: night sky
- Telescope in carry case
- Plastic bag with telescope parts
- Two books:
Explore the night sky!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Snap Circuits Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Four books:
- Electronic Snap Circuits Experiments 1-101
- Electronic Snap Circuits Experiments 102-305
- The Science of Electricity
- Circuitry and Electricity
- 1 snap grid
- Mini bags of SNAP connectors:
- Six 1 snaps
- Nine 2 snaps
- Four 3 snaps
- Two 4 snaps
- One each of: 5,6,7 snaps
- 2 battery packs
- 1 red / 1 black connecting wires
- Fan pieces: 1 red fan / 1 motor
- 1 red speaker
- 3 Bags containing snaps. All labeled with contents
- Four books:
Build STEAM skills while having fun with this themed kit. May contain small parts that are unsuitable for very young children.
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Spirograph Explorer
Kit Includes:
- One book:
- Seeing Symmetry
- Spirograph design guide
- Blank white work sheets
- 12 Colored Pens (separate bundle)
- Spirograph set includes: 22 PLASTIC pieces total
- 2 rings
- 1 rack
- Spirograph white putty
- 3 design pens
- 4 shaped wheels
- 15 wheels
- One book:
Create tons of unique designs!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Toniebox Gray
The Toniebox is an imagination-building, screen-free digital listening experience that plays stories, songs, and more. Designed for little listeners, it’s the perfect storytime companion for tiny hands and active imaginations.
Tonies: Playtime Puppy, Paw Patrol: Marshall, Paw Patrol: Chase, DC Batman, DC Wonder Woman, Marvel’s Spidey & Amazing Friends
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Toniebox Green
The Toniebox is an imagination-building, screen-free digital listening experience that plays stories, songs, and more. Designed for little listeners, it’s the perfect storytime companion for tiny hands and active imaginations.
Tonies: The Gruffalo, Nap Tim Nature Sounds, Frozen, Pinnochio, Spot & Friends
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Toniebox Light Blue
The Toniebox is an imagination-building, screen-free digital listening experience that plays stories, songs, and more. Designed for little listeners, it’s the perfect storytime companion for tiny hands and active imaginations.
Non-Fiction Educational Tonies: Penguins, Whale, Horses, Dinosaur, Octopus, Astronaut & Sea Turtle
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Toniebox Purple
The Toniebox is an imagination-building, screen-free digital listening experience that plays stories, songs, and more. Designed for little listeners, it’s the perfect storytime companion for tiny hands and active imaginations.
PARENTING COLLECTION TONIEBOX: ‘SING, PLAY, SLEEP!’ The perfect combination of playtime favorite songs, relaxing, soothing themes and stories
Tonies: Calm Creative, 7 Habits of Happy Kids, Favorite Children’s Songs , Sleepy Friends, Mindfulness & Playtime Puppy
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Toniebox Red
The Toniebox is an imagination-building, screen-free digital listening experience that plays stories, songs, and more. Designed for little listeners, it’s the perfect storytime companion for tiny hands and active imaginations.
Tonies: The Lion King, Rapunzel & Other Fairytales, Cars, Minions/ Despicable Me & Toy Story
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Weather Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two books:
- Everything Weather
- The Kids Book of Weather Forecasting
- Laminated experiment guide
- Experiment kit containing:
- 2 plastic bottles
- Thermometer
- Balloon (will be replaced each use)
- Blue tornado tube
- Rain gauge
- Barometer tube & ties
- Anemometer / weathervane
- Plastic dropper
- Two books:
Learn the science behind the weather all around us!
Explorer S.T.E.A.M bags: Xylophone Explorer
Kit Includes:
- Two books:
- song book
- Zin Zin Zin! A Violin
- Laminated song cards
- Xylophone, 4 sticks
- Two books:
Learn beginner xylophone.