• Makerspace Drop-In

    Mondays from 6-8 pm.
    Drop in for an overview of the Library’s Makerspace. The Makerspace is an area that allows patrons an opportunity to produce projects using a variety of Library-owned resources including Cricut cutting machines, a poster printer, button makers, and more!

  • Blood Pressure Loaner Kits

    Would you like to monitor your blood pressure at home? Patrons can now borrow blood pressure monitor kits for a period of 28 days!

    blood pressure loaner kits
  • Computer Skills Learning Kits

    Kits include a Chromebook and booklet with printed tutorials (available in English, Spanish and in Large Print) which are designed for patrons to learn basic computer skills at home and at their own pace.

    a laptop with a binder and pen also a mobile phone
dinovember logo with dinosaur roaring in background


Dinovember is a month-long event in November where toy dinosaurs are said to come to life and get into mischief! This also means that the Children’s Room will be focused on ALL THINGS Dinosaur during this month. We will have several activities, programs and crafts going on to celebrate!


We are thrilled to offer you access to ParentTV. ParentTV offers thousands of on-demand parenting videos and courses with content designed to support those who care for children, from pregnancy through to teenage years – all for FREE with your West Babylon Public Library card!

three figures holding each other

Social Work Intern

Tuesdays: 5-9 pm & Saturdays: 1-4 pm. Our new Social Work intern Jen will be here to assist patrons with important social services and provide referrals to: housing, unemployment help, food pantries, shelters, mental health facilities, care coordination, support groups, and finding legal assistance. Please call the Library for more information. 

WP-Backgrounds by InoPlugs Web Design and Juwelier Schönmann