100 Books Before Graduation

Welcome to the new and improved 100 Books Before Graduation Program!

We switched our program to a new software! If you logged books prior to April 17, 2024 they are now in the new software – and you may be eligible for prizes!

Any books read between April 17 and today will need to be recorded in the new system.

Teens that were previously registered through the old software should check the email they signed up with for instructions on getting their new username and password.


Getting Started

On a smart phone

Download the ReadSquared App from the Apple or Google Play store

When you open the app it will prompt you to choose you Library – type in West Babylon Public Library and click Continue

  • Click Register
  • Click Myself Only
  • Enter your Grade
  • Select 100 Books Before Graduation from the drop down menu
  • Fill out the Required Fields and click Continue

On a computer or laptop

Visit the ReadSquared website

  • Click Register
  • Click Myself Only
  • Enter your Grade
  • Select 100 Books Before Graduation from the drop down menu
  • Fill out the Required Fields and click Continue

Club Information

Welcome to WBPL 100 Books Before Graduation reading challenge! Your goal, should you choose to accept it, is to read 100 books before you graduate from high school. If you do, you will receive prizes as you participate. Prizes will be awarded after reading 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 books!

Most importantly you will expand your mind, vocabulary, critical thinking, and test scores!

Who can participate?

Students in the West Babylon School District who are entering 6th grade may begin the program the summer after 5th grade. Those who are already in high school may also participate and challenge themselves to finish 100 books! The club must be completed by June 30 of your Senior Year of High School.

What happens when you read 100 books?

Besides being exposed to amazing stories, characters, and authors, and having a sense of accomplishment, all those who complete 100 Books Before Graduation will receive a Grand Prize!

Teens will receive a prize at the following levels:

Sign Up

10 books

25 Books

50 Books

75 Books

100 Books = GRAND PRIZE!

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