Shots for Tots

Tuesday, March 25, 11 am-3:30 pm

a blue bordered box with a band-aid in it and the words shots for tots

The Suffolk County Department of Health Services will be here to offer FREE shots to children who do not have health insurance coverage only and are up to 18 years old. Children are seen on a first come, first served basis. You must bring your child’s immunizations record with you to receive any shots. Please contact The Immunization Action Program at (631) 854-0222 for additional information. Advance registration is not required.

Covid Vaccines are no long provided to ALL through the Shots for Tots Immunization Program. Patients who have insurance MUST go through their provider for the Covid Vaccine (including the shot and booster).

The Shots for Tots Program that runs at the Library will only provide required immunizations to UNDERINSURED patients under 18.

*Updated COVID-19 vaccines are offered at this clinic to only those Suffolk County residents who are underinsured through the Vaccines for Children and Vaccines for Adults program. Residents who meet the qualifications may walk in.

Please visit the New York State Department of Health for more information.