1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

For families with children birth – 5 years old (not yet in kindergarten), our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten reading club promotes the importance of reading aloud with children, starting in infancy.

This is an ongoing reading club that promotes child and parent bonding through reading. Children will receive a prize for every 100 books read and record.

Any book read to your child counts, including books from story times or nursery school, even books your child has read before. Give them the opportunity to feel proud of a huge accomplishment!

One thousand books may seem like a lot, but if you read just one book a night, you’ll meet your goal in less than 3 years. If you read three books a night, you could reach your goal in just one year!

Super Sibling Reader

Stop by the Children’s Room and pick up a Super Sibling Reader Color Chart or print your own here!

Color in an animal every time siblings read to each other. When the chart is filled in, come in for your certificate & prize!

*program and prizes available to West Babylon School District Residents grade 9 and under.



Suggested reading lists:

1000 Books By Kindergarten Ages Birth-1
1000 Books By Kindergarten Ages 1-2
1000 Books By Kindergarten Ages 2-3
1000 Books By Kindergarten Ages 3-4
1000 Books By Kindergarten Ages 4-5

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