Make a Donation

Library Donations

Please print the forms below. Return completed forms to the Library.

Reading Garden: Buy a Brick Fundraiser

Lobby Plaque Donation

Memorial or Book Plate Donations

Please contact Ms. Evans at 631-669-5445, if you are interested or have any questions.

Donation Books

The Library is unable to accept large donations of books. We will gladly accept one box or bag of gently used books per person. Books must be in good condition with clean pages which are free of odors, stains, etc. No encyclopedias, text books, or VHS tapes. Please bring all donations to the Circulation Desk. For more information, please contact the Library at 631-669-5445.

Eyeglass Donations

Have glasses that are in good condition? Drop them off at the Library so the West Babylon Lions Club can distribute them to those in need.

Cell Phone Donation

The West Babylon Public Library is a cell phone drop-off site. Drop-off your out-of-date cell phones, chargers, batteries, etc. and they will be donated to the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk ( for distribution to their clients or for recycling.