
The Library accepts employment applications for PT Pages, Clerks and Security Guards on an on-going basis (see links below) but positions may not be available at the time of application.  Completed applications are kept on file for 6 months and considered for any position for which you are eligible that becomes available during that time.

All Full-Time positions are filled using  Suffolk County Civil Service lists. Please submit all applications to the Circulation desk.

Page positions are open to applicants age 16 and up with working papers and flexibility to work multiple nights and be part of a weekend rotation which would include Saturdays and Sundays (October-May).

Page Application

Part-Time Clerk positions are open to applicants with a high school diploma. The hours include varying mornings, afternoons and evenings as well as every other Saturday and Sundays (October-May) in rotation.

Clerk Application (download, print and complete CS205a form)

Part-Time Security Guard positions are open to applicants with a security guard license. The hours include afternoons and evenings as well as Saturdays and Sundays (October-May) in rotation.

Security Application (download, print and complete CS205a form)