Homework Help for Kids

Some of these resources may require the Barcode on the back of your Library Card and/or a Password. If you do not have a Password you will be prompted to create one by entering your chosen password twice.

Britannica School






































NYSED Home Instruction:

The New York State Education Department offers information regarding state laws, regulations, and requirements for home instruction, and provides answers to commonly asked questions.


HSLDA passionately advocates for the freedom to homeschool and offers support for every stage of your homeschool journey.

Learning Resources:

A collection of tools, guides, and activities contain resources for subjects including Math, Language, Science, and Social Studies, among others.

Simple Solutions:

Educational activities that can be done in minutes! Topics include reading, science, social studies, study skills, and problem solving for all ages.

Xtra Math:

XtraMath is an online math fact fluency program that helps students develop quick recall and automaticity of their basic math facts. Students with a strong foundation of basic math facts will have an easier time when they begin to tackle more advanced math, like fractions or algebra.