Museum Passes OLD

Museum Pass Procedure

  1. The Library has passes available to reserve for use at area museums. Based on pass availability, reservations may be made online by following the Museum Pass links on the Library’s webpage, by calling 631.669.5445 or in-person at the Children’s Reference Desk.
  2. Museum Passes are available for checkout to West Babylon Public Library adult cardholders in good standing.
  3. Although some of our museum passes are now available, each museum sets its own restrictions, and you must comply with their rules. Please direct any questions to the specific museum.
  4. The Library is not responsible for museum hours of operation, closings due to holidays, weather or parking fees and suggests that patrons call the museum prior to visiting or for any additional questions. **During special events, museum passes may not be valid or may require an additional admission fee.**
  5. A late fee of $20 per day will be issued for passes not returned on time. Each day thereafter that passes are not returned at 10 am, an additional $10 late fee will be charged, up to $100. If a pass is lost, there is a $100 replacement fee.
  6. There are two types of museum passes available:
    • Print-On-Demand: Passes can be printed out at the time you reserve them or at any time up to the date of your reservation. They do not need to be returned and are valid only on the day of your reservation.
    • Pick Up and Return: Museum passes are picked up (checked out) and returned (checked in) at the Children’s Reference Desk.
      • Passes should be reserved for the date you intend to visit the museum. You may pick up your reserved pass after 3 pm the day prior to your reservation and must return it by 2 pm the day following your reservation.
      • Please note: if the pass you are reserving is lost or comes back late from a previous patron, the library may not be able to honor your reservation. Please call ahead to confirm that your pass is available for pick-up.
      • The patron whose name the reservation is under must present their WBPL card to check out a pass. Passes can not be checked out to anyone other than the person whose name the pass is reserved under.
      • Pass must be returned to the Librarian at the Children’s Reference desk by 2 pm on the date due. Please check Library hours and closings.
      • Passes may not be returned in the book drop or to the Circulation or Adult Reference desks. A $5 fee will be charged for improper returns.

By clicking the Accept button below I attest that I am 18 years of age and I agree to the following statements:

I have read the rules for borrowing a West Babylon Public Library Card and understand the rules stated above. I accept full responsibility and liability for the cost of replacing this Museum Pass if it is lost or stolen while checked out in my name.